Sunday, March 3, 2019

Big Breasts

Hi Girls:

It has been a while since my last post. This post is to report on my activity for the last week.

My first task was to create false breasts that would fill my 44 DD bra. I bought 4 pounds of rice to fill out the bra cups. I cut off the legs of an old pair of black tights. I filled each leg with 2 pounds of rice and then tied the legs shut and cut off the excess material. These bags of rice were then put into each bra cup. Perfect 44DDs. I had to wear this stuffed bra for 12 hours a day for 7 days. Today is the last day. To make sure that my bra stayed tight I had to have a red ribbon threaded through each bra strap and then wrapped around my neck and tied in front like a bow tie.

I certainly drew a lot of attention as I was wearing tight T-shirts every day. The object of this assignment was to learn what it feels like for a woman to have large breasts.

Here is what I have learned:

1. After about 2 hours of wearing the weighted bra my back started to ache because of the extra weight that I was supporting.

2. People stare at big breasted women.

3. The breasts get in your way when you are doing every day activities such as eating or doing house hold chores.

4. After 12 hours I was happy to get rid of those big breasts and tight bra.

5. After 7 days of wearing these big breasts I have a lot of sympathy for large breasted women. They can't take them off after 12 hours.

6. I was able to remove them after 12 hours and I didn't have to sleep wearing them. I can't imagine what it would be like to keep them on 24/7!

Why don't you girls give this a try and then comment on your experiences.

I am a Big Sissy with Big Breasts!!

                          Sissy Alice


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